Make your 2015 work year “fantabulous”
09/01/2015 19:27:51

There is always something magical about the start of a brand new work year.

It’s that excitement of a new beginning which brings about an anticipation of a more rewarding career.

I imagine by now the vast majority of us are back at work as industries return from their extended break over the Christmas and New Year period.

Creativity is running high, emotions are positive, and possibilities seem endless. It’s a time when we dream of the future and forgive ourselves of the past.

Looking Back:

2014 was an eventful year at BlackBook Events & PR, and while we hate to see it go, we are excited about the possibilities 2015 has to offer.

We managed to make good on our 2014 New Year’s resolution to expand our client roster and actually exceeded our expectations. 

Looking Ahead:

As we look to make even bigger strides this year we wanted to take this chance to share tips from acclaimed motivation speaker and leadership expert Robin Sharma:


"To make a right-angle turn so that 2015 is 100x better than 2014, I encourage you to set some new rules to govern your life by. Here are 20 to consider and then implement "

#1. Generosity beats scarcity in every situation.

#2. If you’re the most successful person in every room, find a new room.

#3. If you’re not up early, you’re sleeping too late.

#4. Epic performance has more to do with saying no than saying yes.

#5. Commit to becoming the undisputed heavyweight champion of your craft.

#6. Get fit so you can serve more people.

#7. Impact is a better measure of success than income.

#8. A failure only becomes a failure if you let it become a failure.

#9. Your job is to see the greatness in people who have yet to own the greatness within themselves.

#10. Don’t wait to be inspired to start your dream. Start your dream to grow inspired.

#11. What the victim calls luck, the hero calls relentlessness.

#12. Be polite. Be on time. Be optimistic.

#13. Make each fresh day of this new year a little better than yesterday. Daily optimizations will soon lead to exponential improvements.

#14. Make time to rest. Sleep is a secret weapon of true A-Players.

#15. To double your income, triple your investment in your professional education and on your personal development.

#16. Trust your instinct more than what society says is reasonable and possible.

#17. Go directly to where your fear lives because on the other side of that is where your power lies.

#18. Genius is less about genetics and more about obsessive amounts of practice.

#19. Never be too busy to be kind.

#20. Remember that life’s just too short to play small with your potential this New Year. - See more at:


And while you are daydreaming of the exciting times ahead, may I take this opportunity to wish you a “fantabulous” work year from us all at BlackBook Events & PR



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