Meet the team

National Diploma Journalism

Recipient Rosalyn Carter Mental Health Journalism Fellowship, Atlanta, USA
(2008 - 2009)

Businesswomen’s Association of South Africa committee member - KZN Branch

Sunday Times journalist with 12 years experience.

Publicist at Total Exposure & Cachet Communications. Worked on the following accounts:

Idols 2003
3 Continents Film Festival
Sanlam Money Gain
5FM Ster-Kinekor Bollywood
Geraas Music Awards
Ja-Rule Concert 2003

National Diploma Public Relations Management Cum Laude - Durban University of Technology

Work experience with the following clients:

Suncoast Casino
Three Cities Riverside Hotel
The Misty Blue Group - The Square Boutique Hotel & Spa; Urban Park Hotel & Spa

National Diploma Public Relations Management - Durban University of Technology

BTECH Public Relations Management

MTECH Public Relations Management - Cape Peninsula University of Technology

National Diploma Photography - Former Natal Technikon

BTECH fine art specializing photography - Durban University Technology

Founder of

Photography Highlights:
Nelson Mandela at Unilever
World Aids Conferences
World Racism Conferences
East Coast Radio
Sunday Times